Looking down to Thirlmere from the Swirls path up to Helvellyn |
The Context
Plans are afoot to build a zip wire across Thirlmere in the Lake District. The proposers of this plan (Treetop Treks) have a zip wire and high line activities around Windermere and Brockhole, both hidden away in forest areas. They also have links to Zipworld in Snowdonia which includes Europe's longest zip wire. These are located in old mining sites at the edge of the Snowdonia National Park.
The plan is to have eight zip wires spanning the lake at Thirlmere. There would be significant development of the Swirls Car Park as well as car parks on the other side of the lake such as Armboth. There would be an estimated 50,000 users of the zip wire each year. People using the zip wire would each be kitted out in red overalls and be driven up to the start point of the zip wire in 'military style' vehicles. People would then zip wire over Thirlmere, leaving from near Fisher Crag and landing behind Swirls Car Park.
According to the managing director of Treetop Trek, Mike Turner, this would have 'a minuscule environment impact' as hundreds of people would daily and noisily arrive at Thirlmere, need parking and transport, then be driven up newly built roads in noisy 4x4 vehicles before arriving at the top of Fisher Crag, being fixed to the wires in their red outfits and then noisily scream their way across with constantly buzzing wires. According to Terry Abraham, those locals who originally welcomed the zip wires in Snowdonia are now fed up with the noise they create.
A number of organisations have rightly spoken out against the zip wire proposals, including: Friends of the Lake District, the BMC, the National Trust, The Wainwright Society (eventually), the Campaign for National Parks, the John Muir Trust, TGO Magazine and The Ramblers (albeit with one of the weakest statements I've ever seen).
Vested Interests and Conflicts of Interests?
Of concern is the number of Lakeland organisations that have welcomed the proposals. One of these organisations, 'Cumbria Tourism' has Mike Turner from Treetop Treks as its small operator representative on the board, although they make clear that Mr Turner was not present in discussions about the zip wires.
Terry Abraham publicly stepped down as ambassador of the 'Lake District Foundation' after they expressed neutrality towards the zip wires. The Lake District Foundation's trustees include the National Park, the National Trust and Cumbria Tourism. According to someone who has researched Cumbria Tourism, two of those behind Cumbria Tourism include the Lake District National Park and United Utilities. The Lake District National Park will make the final decision about the zip wires, although their decision making must be based on legislation.
United Utilities own the Thirlmere land and will receive a rent from Treetop Treks if the zip wires go ahead. It's also interesting to note that Treetop Treks have promised to donate money to the Lake District Foundation if the zip wires get permission. Further muddying the mix is the closeness of a staff member of the LDNP and a staff member of Treetop Treks.
At a public meeting of the Parish Council of St Johns, Castle Ring and Wythburn, it was stated that United Utilities had gained permission from the Lake District National Park for the Thirlmere Link Mains, despite saying they had asked local landowners. According to a member of the public this was not true and local landowners were not in support the proposals. Other concerns raised at this meeting included noise, impact on helicopters and MOD flying and that traffic increases had not been properly assessed by Treetop Treks to intentionally underplay the impact. The councillors had sent out 195 surveys to the local residents. Of these, 96 were returned, representing a total of 202 adults. Of these, 1 was in favour, 1 was undecided and 200 were against the proposals. The councillors also expressed their public opposition to the Thirlmere zip wire proposals.
A YouTube video from Andy Beck (the author of the 'Wainrights in Colour'), posted on 6 October 2017 revealed a 'hardcore' laid track from near the Armboth car park all the way up to within a 150m walk of the proposed jumping off point of the zip wire (Fisher Crag) with a nice turning circle area. No marking of trees for cropping had taken place and previously this had only been a basic track up to enable all-terrain vehicle access. As Andy Beck stood there, all you could hear was silence. Something that would be very lacking if the proposals go ahead.
I just need to be extremely clear that I am not against any of these organisations, nor am I alleging any kind of corruption or 'golden handshakes' in darkened rooms etc. It's just clear that there are a number of potential conflicts of interests in the decisions made by organisations (not necessarily by individuals within those organisations who may hold differing opinions than official company policy at times).
Arguments Against Zip Wires over Thirlmere
So what of the zip wires and the arguments against them. Friends of the Lake District have an excellent summary of the arguments but here are some of mine...
Trees around the southern edge of Thirlmere |
1. The zip wire is contrary to the founding of the National Parks and their charter. It is against very clear legislation such as the Sandford Principle which states that nature and the environment must always take precedence.
On January 4, Michael Gove said this:
"So the imperative to husband, indeed wherever possible, enhance our natural capital – safeguarding our oceans, cleaning our rivers, keeping our soils fertile, protecting biodiversity – has to be at the heart of any plan for our country and our world."
2. There would be a huge increase in traffic to the area that is already very busy in summer. Any traffic problems would grind the area to a halt.
3. The incessant whirring and buzzing noises would prove a constant irritation. Already B&B owners are concerned they would lose visitors. According to Terry Abraham, the noise in Snowdonia is already a concern for some locals that had supported the zip wires, within months of launching the zip wires.
4. The zip wire is something that is an end in itself. People are not coming to the Lakes for anything else. Once over they'd leave without much consideration of the area. On a BBC Breakfast interview, it was stated by Mr Turner that the Lakes should be a place for 'fun' and 'thrill' as much as 'tranquility' and 'peace.' This is a straw man argument as the Lake District already is a place for fun and thrill.
5. The zip wire does not engender a respect for the environment. You come, gear up, go down the zip wire and go home. I imagine litter will become a huge issue.
6. The zip wire is very expensive - it will be in the region of £50 to £80 per go. This is not something for the average person - getting to the Lakes and paying for the zip wire would be a very expensive day out with little going to the local economy (but instead to Treetop Treks). I can drive to the Lake District and back from the South West of England for less than a zip wire ride!
7. The argument is that the zip wire would provide employment but employment in Keswick is almost zero. Already positions in the Lakes are filled by (hard working and to me, highly valued) Eastern European staff living in multiple occupancy rooms due to low wages and high living costs in the Lakes. Zip wire employment rates would inevitably be low / minimum wage.
8. The arguments have been made that opposition is from the 'tea brigade' meaning older people (as if their needs should be ignored?) Yet I am in the Lakes regularly with people in their 20s and 30s (all of whom live in Cumbria / north Lancashire) and all are opposed to the zip wire.
9. A zip wire can already be experienced in the Lakes or in most places in the UK. Why do we need one going over Thirlmere? Put it in West Cumbria which badly needs tourism.
10. Many argue that Thirlmere is 'man-made' yet this is spurious. Yes it's a man-made reservoir but it has been done to fit in with the existing environment, unlike zip wires which are an offence to the natural environment. Yes there was mining, but this was in the past. Understanding our world as we do now means that we don't intentionally damage our natural areas. Mining (in its time) was there by necessity. Zip wires are simply there for profit and greed.
11. Things have to 'move on'? Really. Would you say there are areas of life where in our attempt to 'move on' we have made things worse in our world? Oh yes. In many places. Moving forward and progressing has to be done in a responsible and even moral way, otherwise we reap destructive behaviour that costs more to fix than it ever benefits.
12. There is a huge need for areas of quiet, of nature and of serene environments. Stanford University (2013), the '30 Days Wild Survey' (published Feb 2016) and many other surveys have proven the need and positive effects of people being in a peaceful, natural, green environment. These have huge positive impacts on mental health, physical health, ADHD, stress and depression. Our world is full of noise, depression, ill health. Why damage the very places that help people be restored? It's criminal.
13. We also know that being active also releases endorphins. Sitting in a harness on a zip wire may be a brief thrill but it is not being active, nor does it get you anywhere. The ride is the start and the end, it is not adventure in any form.
14. We live in a world of quick fixes and cheap thrills. These actually devalue the essentials of humanity and of being alive. They also bring a long-term cost. Wisdom is the ability to make decisions now that you will be happy with later. This is not a wise decision.
15. People coming for a zip wire are not coming for the Lake District but to 'do the zip wire'. When someone comes to the Lakes, in order for their to be sustainable tourism, something has to be deposited that causes someone to value the place and want to return. A zip wire cannot by its very nature be that thing.
16. There are already a huge amount of activities available in the Lakes. These are done (or should be done) with a view to conserving, protecting and being sensitive to the area. A zip wire is none of these things. Mr Turner in his interview with Breakfast News on 12 January 2018 spoke about getting people onto the 'fells'. But people wouldn't be coming for the fells or getting 'out' onto them - they'd be coming to do a zip wire then zip off home...
17. The impact must also be considered on those who currently visit the Lake District. If the zip wires were to go ahead, how many would wish to visit the Thirlmere area or walk around, cycle around with wires buzzing over their heads? Many would want to reconsider visiting the area. I would.
18. Let's be very clear that 'profit' is not simply about money. Money is a useful tool but it is there to serve and not be served. The love of money can be the root of evil. Just because the zip wires may bring in some money is not a reason to have zip wires. True happiness doesn't come from things but from people, from love, from faith, from hope, from doing good and leaving a lasting legacy in this world and beyond.
19. Some of the things said by those who favour this application have been unhelpful at times and even angry, with the rare reasoned exceptions. Comments on Facebook about ' you lot need to give your heads a wobble' or comments made about Terry Abraham being a 'failed' film maker (wrong) are unhelpful and do a dis-service to the cause. There have also been other things said that have been wrong. Treetop Treks at one stage stated that 'most people who responded to a consultation were in favour' of the zip wire. One wonders who the consultation went out to in the first place... Other disinformation has also been spread in order to undermine those opposing the application or to put a positive angle on things that are highly tenuous at best. If there is a need for 'fluff' and 'spin' then you know that your argument is already not a good one.
20. Fundamentally a zip wire is actually quite selfish. More is explained below...
Helvellyn from Red Tarn |
Making Adventure vs Buying an Easy Thrill
Most things in life that are good have to be worked at, fought for or earned. It may be chasing after the girl of your dreams and then spending time truly loving her. Or it may be developing a good app for iPad. It can be training hard so you can join the Royal Marines. Or simply doing your job well.
When you come to the fells and mountains, they demand exploration and ask for your respect and time. You're coming into their presence more than they are in yours. But it is mutual.
It also requires work and effort. Adventure is about going somewhere and doing something worthwhile (a bit like Alpkit say). If it can be accessed easily then it's not adventure, it's simply a cheap (or expensive) thrill. If it can't be earned then it loses much of its value. A diamond is priceless because of the forces of nature and time required to work on it. A common stone is less 'valuable' because it's so abundant and is just 'there'.
A zip wire ride requires no effort except mentally to undertake it. It requires no adventure, no real time invested, no thought, no respect, no serious planning, no energy. It's just there. You get in. Strap in and go. That's it. It's easy, effortless and demands nothing. It doesn't improve your character, increase your fitness, open up new worlds, ask hard questions, cause you to evaluate yourself.
A zip wire is a quick fix that means little, lasts no time, gives a brief thrill that wears off and is quickly thrown aside in order to find the next fix. It therefore holds little value. A zip wire is basically self-seeking, self-serving and self-indulgent.
But the mountains demand our time, respect, effort, consideration, planning, time and energy. They require something more, test us beyond our comfort, draw us out into something more and something beyond ourselves. We are forced to go to places that we don't go to normally. They throw challenges at us that we have to respond to. They require the recognition that there is something bigger and more than us and this grounds us as humans. Mountains / fells require sacrifice, service and selflessness: all things that a zip wire can never demand or give.
This isn't some kind of self-righteous, piety about the grandeur of those who use mountains being 'better' or 'above' others as this clearly isn't true. Nor is everything done by people in the mountains necessarily beneficial or caring of those mountains. But mostly people who go to the mountains are those who care about the mountains and they care well.
When we look back on history we see all kinds of things done in the name of progress. Many of these things destroyed people's history and culture. People used to shoot, hunt and kill animals to or near extinction. I can hear people's voices in favour of the shooting back in the day using the same arguments we hear from the proponents of a zip wire over Thirlmere... "It's progress... You can't live in the past."
Yet these activities from the past destroyed animals, wildlife, environments, cultures. The price of progress was a heavy one and one that we can look back on and learn from. The benefit of studying history is that we can learn not to make the same mistakes. I would suggest we should look back and learn that not all progress is progressive and not all development develops.
At its heart the argument about zip wires over Thirlmere is really an argument about being in the landscape and mountains in a self-less way that enhances and preserves and allows people to make their own adventure and connect with the world around, vs an argument of easy come, easy go, self-seeking thrills where the ride prevails over everything else.
What kind of world do you want to live in?